Squirrels. A new adventure in a well known tail.
Squirrels is a completely new provision for 4–5 year olds. There are plenty of reasons to get stuck in, as Squirrels gives young people the chance to:
- Make friends
- Have fun outdoors
- Learn new things
- Earn badges through fun activities
1st Prestbury launched their first Squirrel drey in September 2022 and a second in October 2023

Squirrel Scouts
At 1st Prestbury, we love to have the whole family involved.
At our Squirrel dreys we welcome parents / carers to stay and join in with the Squirrels. We also welcome older / younger siblings to the meetings (If an adult is staying for the session)
If you are interested, please speak to one of our leaders who can tell you more
Our New Uniform
The Squirrels have a smart look, and a perfect place to sew those well earned badges. Take a peak at what’s available for the Squirrels to wear.

The Squirrel Scout Promise
The Squirrel Scout promise will follow the same promise as the Beaver Scout promise. Squirrels will choose the promise that best suits them. Below are variations of the Squirrel Scout promise:

Safety and safeguarding
Parents and new leaders can learn about how leaders are keeping our young people safe in Squirrels.

Scouts is an inclusive, values based movement. Check out how we have made sure inclusion has been at the heart of our Squirrels story.

Moving up to Beavers
Eventually, it’ll be time to say farewell to Squirrels and embrace your next big adventure.